Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes - California
The top of Factory Butte - Utah
Grand Teton - USA
Bonneville Salt Lake Flats - Utah
Upper Antilope Canyon - Arizona
Grand Teton - USA
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes / California
Grand Teton / USA
Delicate Arch / Utah
Bryce Canyon - USA
Grand Teton - USA
Monument Valley - USA
Grand Teton - USA
Grand Teton - USA
Bryce Canyon - USA
Yellowstone - USA
Grand Teton - USA
Framed by the J.P. Cunningham Cabin - Wyoming
Grand Teton - USA
Joshua Tree at Death Valley - California
Grand Teton - USA
Grand Teton - USA
Yellowstone - USA
Yellowstone - USA
Grand Teton - USA
The Forrest Gump spot at Monument Valley - Arizona
Bryce Canyon - USA
Grand Teton - USA
Cathedral Valley - Utah
Bryce Canyon - USA
Grand Teton - USA
T.A. Molton Barn  - Wyoming
Autumn colors - USA
Death Valley / USA
Valley of state fire - Nevada
Speedway track at Death Valley / USA
Devis Golf Course / USA
Grand Teton - Wyoming
Autumn in the Grand Teton National Park - Wyoming
Moonscape Overlook / Utah
John Moulton Barn at Grand Teton / USA
Schwabacher Landing - Wyoming
Window view from J.P. Cunningham Cabin - Wyoming
Valley of Fire State / USA
The road to Monument Valley - Arizona
Silver Spire / Utah
Factory Butte / Utah
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