Behind the Lens: Our Unfiltered Journey to Vestrahorn, Iceland

Hey, folks!

Welcome to the behind-the-scenes look at our epic adventure to Vestrahorn, Iceland – where the real magic happens. Get ready to peel back the curtain and see the raw, unfiltered moments that led to one of the winning shot in the CEWE Photo Award 2023. Spoiler alert: it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but man, was it worth it!

Sunset Silhouettes – Chaos and Calm

Okay, so here's the deal. That silhouette shot you see? Yeah, it wasn't as effortless as it looks. Picture this: three kids running around like wild banshees, while Kirsten and I are desperately trying to set up the shot before the sun disappears. It's chaos, it's madness, but somehow, amidst all the craziness, we manage to capture a moment of pure magic. The result? A image that perfectly captures the essence of our family adventure.

Droning on Through the Sandbanks – Trial and Error

Now, let's talk about this drone shot. Trust me when I say it took a whole lot of trial and error to get it right. First off, there was the wind – always a fun challenge when you're flying a drone over sand dunes. Then there was the whole "avoiding crashing into Kirsten" thing, which, let's just say, required some serious maneuvering skills. But hey, after a few close calls and a couple of panicked moments, we nailed it. The result? A jaw-dropping aerial view of Vestrahorn that makes all the sweat and stress totally worth it.

Capturing Magic in Motion – The Big Finale, and winner picture

And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for – the winning shot. Here's the thing: capturing this image was no easy feat. We spent days scouting the perfect location, battling unpredictable weather, and chasing the ever-elusive light. But when the stars finally aligned, and Kirsten stepped out into the water with Vestrahorn towering in the background, I knew we had something special. It's a moment frozen in time, a snapshot of pure magic and wonder that perfectly encapsulates our journey to Vestrahorn.

So there you have it, folks – the real story behind the winning shot. It's messy, it's chaotic, but above all, it's real. Because sometimes, the most beautiful moments in life are the ones that aren't carefully staged or meticulously planned – they're the ones that unfold organically, in the midst of all the chaos and craziness. And as we look back on our time at Vestrahorn, we're reminded that it's not just about the destination – it's about the journey, the memories, and the moments that take our breath away. Thanks for joining us on this wild ride, and here's to many more adventures yet to come!

Best wishes

Kirsten & Henrik Solgård